Tag Archives: health

Commitment to Personal Growth

We are physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual beings. Personal growth happens without our placing a strong commitment to our own growth. We humans tend to let things happen, react, and learn.

Physical  –  Physical growth is taken for granted. We mature in our late teens/early twenties. Done deal. However, a commitment to physical growth as an adult becomes a commitment to health and fitness.

Intellectual – We do pursue education enough to become employed and devote attention to training needed to do our job. However, a commitment to intellectual growth becomes a pursuit of a broader wisdom and a deeper understanding of mother nature and human nature.

Emotionally – We find ourselves able to generally become an emotional adult versus feeling and displaying the emotions of a five year old. However, a commitment to emotional growth is a commitment to improve self-control, patience, love, integrity, and our peacemaking skills. 

Spiritually – Most of us believe God and heaven do exist. We may discover a time when we want to know more. If not yet a longing, a commitment to spiritual growth is to strive to tap our inner self, beyond just using our intellect. We develop our heart, intuition, peace of mind, and more.

A commitment to personal growth requires a commitment to a growing understanding of humility. 

What have I learned? What have I discovered? How can I grow? These are question we can ask ourselves at the end of each day, each week, each month, each year, and each decade.

We will have discovered on our joyful pursuit of happiness that a commitment to personal growth is difficult to maintain and difficult to feel great success in one day, one week, or one month. Over a decade, with great humility, we will have discovered a tremendous sense of personal accomplishment.

Goals and Problems

Asked to choose their generation’s top goals from among five options, 18 to 24 year-olds listed these as either most important or second most important:

  • To get rich                                              81%
  • To be famous                                         51%
  • To help pe0ple who need help            30%
  • To be leaders in their community      22%
  • To become more spiritual                    10%

They also said their most important individual problem is:

  • Money/debt                                           30%
  • College/education                                  18%
  • Career/job                                               16%
  • Family/relationships                               7%
  • Health                                                        2%
  • National/Int’l conditions                         2%
  • All other (including don’t know)          29%

Hmmm! Quite an indication of the character of today’s youth!

Happy Easter!

Source: Pew Research Center 2006 Generation Next Survey

Healthy Nuts

Do this leg stretch! Use this new ab machine! Drink two juices!

We are clearly bombarded with diet and exercise tips from countless sources. Certainly, having accurate information about our health is something we all want to be perfect. We will have discovered on our life journey it never becomes perfect.

I generally take the time to research health information before I make it a part of my life. I wish it were easy. The very best example of how I’d love to get health information happened the middle of last year.

In a regular visit with my primary care physician, I was told to eat a handful of walnuts each day. One handful; no more, no less, would increase my good cholesterol 10 points. I researched it and decided to try it.

It absolutely did increase my HDL from not so great to very good, about 10 points. I’m not aware of any other change that might have contributed. It’s easy to do, I love walnuts, and the result is pretty amazing.

If anyone has a diet or exercise tip that really works for you, I’m sure a lot of us would like to hear from you.  

Health Care Customer Service

Is health care customer service something that can be observed and evaluated, or is it an oxymoron?

I recently went on an incredible journey of scheduling a colonoscopy. I completely realize this does not sound all that exciting. I understand. Move on, or read below, it’s your choice.

A colonoscopy performed a few years back revealed nothing serious, but I need to follow-up on a regular basis at my age. Having moved not too long ago, I informed my new GP I was due and it was suggested I use the same specialist from the last procedure. An attempt at this revealed quickly this was not an option. I called the GP’s office, left a message for the GP’s nurse, asking for a recommendation. The automated answering capability stated I would receive a response in 24 hours.

Five working days later, on a Thursday, I called the GP’s office. After a few minutes of investigation off-line, I was told by one of the staff members a form had been mailed to me on “Tuesday” outlining the GP’s recommendation and next steps.

A week later I received the form, postmarked not “Tuesday,” but on the following Saturday, with instructions to call a designated office, suggesting to engage the services of either one of two specialists and where to ask for the procedure to be performed. Of course, I had to research whether these specialists were “OK TO USE UNDER MY HEALTH PLAN.” They are.

I called the office and gave them all the pertinent information. The staff member said very clearly “WE CAN’T DO THAT.” We need to know what procedure and why. I stated exactly what was on the form, which answered both questions. The result was still “WE CAN’T DO THAT.” I simply asked why my GP sent an instruction for me to “DO THAT.” The answer was, of course, “I don’t know.”

In response to my asking what I am to do, I was told they needed the GP’s office to call, the GP’s office to send the documentation I had in hand, or for me to drive to their offices and give them the document I had been sent. I believed it was fair to ask “So, you don’t trust me over the phone?” End of story, at least so far.

Here’s what I have to say about health care customer service – RACKAFRACKASHATZ!!!!!!!!!!

I believe there was a time when those in health care occupations cared most about the health and welfare of their patients. I believe it has shifted to where they care most about making the most money they possibly can while carrying the activities they are required to perform.

This is just not a good thing.

This is a sidetrip on our journey to a joyful pursuit of happiness.

Health Care Savings

Health care is being provided at such a great value I want to!!##??xx

I inherited Type 2 diabetes from my father. I control it with diet and exercise. My periodic glucose level checks via a medical lab blood test and my testing at home have been consistent and within targets.

A while back, I purchased a glucose testing monitor and have since used the test strips and lancets compatible with the vendor monitor for my periodic home testing.

In an attempt to reorder test strips recently from my health plan’s prescription provider, I discovered the strips to be no longer on the preferred list. My options were:

  1. Pay megabucks for the strips compatible with my monitor
  2. Pitch my monitor, purchase a new one that is on the preferred list and purchase  test strips that are compatible and on the preferred list
  3. Go a drug store, purchase test strips for my current monitor.
  4. Discontinue testing

The most cost effective choice is option #2, given I continue testing. It appears to me I need to spend more money in the short term to feel safe and to enable the presciption drug provider to make more money. Doesn’t that mean I need to discontinue testing to realize a health care savings (for me!)?

What shall I do?

This is a sidetrip on my joyful journey to the pursuit of happiness